

Barcelona 22-26 May 2024

Take a moment to remember what inspires you.

Join us to share and deepen this source of inspiration.


Curated by Swan Alyon

Five revitalising days amidst nature

to connect with fellow creative spirits.

Time to remember what matters

A time that you will remember

A few days outside of time.

Devotional Arts

We offer time and space to cultivate togetherness and reverence for life through artistic experience, exchange, and expression. We believe in art that deepens our relationship to other people and to the rest of nature. Our main instruments are nothing more than our bodies, voices, and imagination. In this retreat, we work chiefly with theatre, song, storytelling, and visual arts.

The Bhakti Experience

Bhakti (भक्ति) is a Sanskrit term usually translated as loving devotion. Originally it simply meant participation. It is derived from the root word bhaj (भाज्), which means to share, to partakae in, and to belong to.

We view devotion as gratitude in action and tread a path loving service to life, visible and invisible. We view art as a means of thanksgiving and peacebuilding, internal and external.

Tus guías

Imaginal Activism — Dr Jessica Bockler

Vocal Polyphony — Olga Kozłowska

Visual Storytelling — Joanna Hruby

Metatheatre — Dr Swan Alyon

Clown Arts — Adriana Medina

Indian Ink — Annalisa Rinldi

Click on the artist to find our more about them and their workshop.

Activismo imaginario

En este taller creativo te invito a explorar el reino imaginario a través del parateatro, o teatro sin público externo. El parateatro, tal y como lo concibió...

BIO & Offering

Dra. Jessica Bockler

Psicóloga y profesional del teatro

Inglaterra y Alemania

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Tinta en movimiento

Tinta sobre papel de arroz cuidadosamente elegido como medio consciente y minimalista pero que contiene una amplia gama de técnicas posibles junto con infinitos matices de tonos y formas de improvisación. Movimiento para...

BIO & Offering

Annalisa Rinldi

Pintora e intérprete


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Voz auténtica

Somos presencia que canta, permitiendo que el pulso de la vida esté disponible a nuestro tono, en sintonía con nuestros corazones, oídos, piel, pies y labios. Somos más grandes de lo que pensamos. Cuanto más confiamos, más somos...

BIO & Offering

Olga Lidia Kozłowska

Psicóloga y profesora de canto


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Visual Storytelling

Joanna Hruby is a visual artist, performance maker, writer and cultural activist based on Ibiza, Spain. The is the founder of the company Theatre of the Ancients, whose aim is to harness...

BIO & Offering

Joanna Hruby

Artista visual y creadora de espectáculos


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Lineages of Joy

Adriana Medina es una artista de clown. Es cofundadora y codirectora de la compañía de clown Yo SoY Semilla, así como fundadora y directora artística del proyecto interdisciplinar de clown Bee...

BIO & Offering

Adriana Medina

Artista Payaso


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Arte para la vida

Swan Alyon, PhD, is a theatre maker and psychotherapist as well as the founder and director of the Institute of Devotional Arts. After studying philosophy and theology in Melbourne, Oxford...

BIO & Offering

Dr. Swan Alyon

Artistic Director


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We offer a carefully curated space of conscious connection and creative expression in which you are encouraged to listen to your needs and to take as much time for rest, silence, and introspection as you desire.

Día 1

14:00 - 16:00: Llegada

16.00 horas: Sesión inaugural

19.00 h: Cena

Day 2-4

7am: Musical awakening

7.30-8am: Contemplative Practice

8am: Breakfast

9-11.30am: Art Workshop

12pm: Lunch & Siesta

2.30-3.30pm: Assembly

3.45-6.15pm: Art Workshop

18.30 h: Cena

8-9.30pm: Creative Space

9.30-10pm: Contemplative Practice

Día 5

8.30-9h: Práctica contemplativa

9.00-11.00 h: Sesión de clausura

11am: Brunch

12-2pm: Departure

Día 1

14:00 - 16:00: Llegada

16.00 horas: Sesión inaugural

19.00 h: Cena

Day 2-4

7am: Musical awakening

7.30-8am: Contemplative Practice

8am: Breakfast

9-11.30am: Art Workshop

12pm: Lunch & Siesta

2.30-3.30pm: Assembly

3.45-6.15pm: Art Workshop

18.30 h: Cena

8-9.30pm: Creative Space

9.30-10pm: Contemplative Practice

Día 5

8.30-9h: Práctica contemplativa

9.00-11.00 h: Sesión de clausura

11am: Brunch

12-2pm: Departure

“No poet, no artist of any art, has their complete meaning alone.” — T. S. Eliot, The Sacred Wood



Cómo llegar

Dónde se alojará

Enclavado en el corazón del Parque Natural de las Montañas de Prades, nuestro centro de retiro cuenta con 140 hectáreas de frondoso bosque. Alberga robles y pinos silvestres, así como caballos árabes de pura raza y corzos. Su castillo inspirado en Gaudí y su luminosa cúpula son diseños arquitectónicos únicos.


Nutritious and healthy vegan meals will be prepared on site with care and composed primarily of organic, local, and seasonal ingredients. We are happy to cater to special diets on request. Tea and snacks will be available throughout the day.


Accommodation for 5 days/4 nights

Private access to the retreat centre

All materials, classes, and activities

All meals, sacks, and drinks

Click to book and to find out more about accommodation options.

Billete estándar


€ 898 - 1,098

€ 898 - 1,098


Helper Ticket


€ 198

€ 198



Preguntas frecuentes

For whom is this event?

¿Qué está incluido en el precio?

¿Cuál es la política de cancelación?

¿Cuándo debo llegar y salir?

¿Cómo llegar al recinto?

¿Puedo ir con un niño?

¿Puedo venir con un animal de compañía?


¿Qué es el Instituto de Artes Devocionales?